Hello All,
I am outlining my first alert based on power usage and wanted to know if anyone has a RM4 rule created to monitor a dryer finishing based on energy readings.
I am thinking:
Dryer Power goes above 100
Dryer Power drops below 10 for 5 mins+
Initiate Alert
Thanks Again
August 22, 2019, 11:01pm
Take a look at the Better Laundry Monitor here
Hey all, I grabbed the "Better Laundry Monitor" from Kevin on the ST forum as I like that it can use outlets with power monitoring:
and made a few modifications to it to suit my needs.
#1 - his power variables were numbers, I allowed them to be decimals. Most people don't need this but the outlet I'm using (ZEN15) is pretty sensitive if you ask it to be and I was playing with getting my washer to trigger accurately.
#2- I added a "delay" trigger for turning off. Left blank it does nothing. …
Or search for Laundry or Dryer or Washer in the community. There are tons of discussions with rules about that out there