Drivers for Schneider Wiser switches

Has anyone managed to get Schneider Wiser switches working with Hubitat? Can't seem to find a proper driver for these and wouldn't want to give up and get the Schneider Wiser hub just yet..

I have a couple Schneider Exxact Wiser switches with motion sensors (WDE002367). These should have a bunch of features, but only thing I've managed to get working is the on/off switch :slight_smile:

This is the switch: (Sorry, could only find the page in Finnish, but translator to the rescue!)

I found that someone has worked with the Schneider devices for Homey app and listed some of the clusters, datatypes etc. quite well:

Here is the device information if there is a wizard amongst us who know how to make drivers :slight_smile:

Hub C-8, version

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I would like to play with all these Schneider toys, but the 50+ euro pricepoint on amazon (de) is not making it fun :smile:



Try the generic zigbee switch driver..... Also always hit configure after save when changing a driver.