[DRIVER] Zooz ZEN Switches Advanced (and Dimmers)

Good idea! Does this help? I can get it to you in other formats or tweak it too. Thanks!


So my ZEN30 seems borked at the moment. I did an air gap reset and even that didn't fix it. It is stuck with

syncStatus : 26 Pending Changes

I've tried to reconfigure, refresh, everything. Any ideas how to get this back up and working?

With Zigbee, I would try to re-pair the device, but I'm not real sure how to do that with Z-Wave? If I run an exclude, it's going to remove it from my Hub and also break everything that uses that switch. Is there another way to "factory restore" the switch and re-include it without having to break all the apps/etc it's utilized in?

Create a virtual device and use the swap feature in settings. Then you can swap it back once you are through playing with it.

Hmm. How would I do this with this double switch since it has a child device (relay) and both the dimmer/child are tied to multiple things throughout Hubitat. :thinking:

Sorry not familiar with that switch. If it has a child device then that is a problem. Don’t suppose you can switch it to a generic driver temporarily?

Did you do a firmware update on it? Or factory reset it? Not sure how else it would have stopped talking to the hub??

You are correct, if you do an exclude it will remove the device entry and break all the automations.

You can try doing a zwave replace to get it back: [Guide] Updating Firmware and ZWave Replace

Also @jacobgraf I added your button image to the main post at the bottom.

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First off, thanks for that tutorial about replacing the device. It worked like a champ!

Secondly, that double-tap function setting did fix the blaring light issue on double-tap, so thanks for that!

My final issue now is that all of my button events (in my case activating/turning off Room Lighting "scenes") is extremely slow. Like 3-4 seconds after I press the button, the Room Lighting scene activates or turns off.

Any ideas what might be causing that delay?

Turn on logging on the Device (just info) and on the Room Lighting instance (Info and debug).
Then capture some logs and post a SCREENSHOT (including the timestamps).
This will show if the delays is in the device or in the RL App.

I have button rules setup for a few different devices, controlling lights directly or via RL, they all execute pretty quick, not a noticeable delay.

Will do! On that note, am I missing something when it comes to logging? Typically I keep on Info Logging for all devices and apps, but then, whenever I need to troubleshoot and go into the logs, it fills up instantly with stuff I don't care about. Is there an easier way to globally enable/disable info and/or debug logging? Then is there an easier way to toggle those on for specific devices/apps more easily than going into each one and manually turning them on? Seems like there is a lot of room for improvement when it comes to enabling/disabling logging in Hubitat, unless, like I said, I am missing something?

You can also look in the "Event" tab of a device to see prior events, depending on how much history you have enabled for that device. I have been turning off a lot of the info logging and then only turn on to troubleshoot or things I really want to see the info for all the time.

What gets logged it up to the driver and there are not really any standards around how or what to log. Some people make their apps/drivers very chatty and some people have no logging.

Also, there is filters at the top of the logs. So for this case you could filter it to JUST this device and the RL app we are interested in, then you wont see any extra clutter.


Oh also, if you click the device/app number it will filter to that entity only.
If you click the Info/Debug/Warn icon it will take you to that device so you can turn logging off if desired. That is how I have been slowing turning off things I dont want to see anymore.


Excellent. Yeah, the filter definitely does help, but hopefully in the future, the Hubitat guys make it easier to selectively and/or globally enable/disable both info and debug logging. I don't really need it on, but now, I have 100+ devices and apps and don't wanna go into each and turn them each off. Sounds like a major pain.

You could try the preferences manager app (built in), for Devices anyway, you should be able turn it off on a bunch of them all at once. Most people name the setting very similar.

You have button 8 listed for both buttons. I think you meant 9 for one of them?

You are absolutely right! Fixed here (https://s3.amazonaws.com/graftechnology/clients/zooz/zooz-paddle-button-actions.svg) if @jtp10181 wants to update it. Sorry about that!

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Wow! Had no idea this even existed! It worked pretty good! I see it doesn't do anything with app logging. Is there an easy way to toggle logging on/off for apps, or do I have to go into each one individually and do that?

Sorry I don't think there is a way to do it in the apps. I just have been checking my logs and if I see a bunch of junk I don't want I click the button to go to that app and turn it off.

Here is an example. This is in a different room, but I'm seeing the same behavior. In this example, the "Basement Unfinished Workbench Light" takes like 3-5 seconds to turn on/off after "Basement Unfinished Lights" turns on or off. No delay is set in the Room Lighting app either.

I continued this in a PM. I don't think this is related to this driver or a Zooz device even.

Is there a way for your driver to detect which hardware version a particular device is? For example Zen30 500 series vs 700 series. I think there have been 3 hardware versions now.

Yes it can tell based on the firmware version, and I should have the parameters adjusted accordingly. Or what is the reason you are asking?