[DRIVER] Zooz ZEN Switches Advanced (and Dimmers)


This is minor update. Added the new parameter available on current ZEN72 firmware. Fixed the issues with the ZEN30 and getting stuck on 1 Pending Change due to factory set lifeline association (it now can identify the multichannel association so it wont keep trying to set another one).

The setLevel update may be of interest if you are doing any gradual level transitions. Unfortunately the 2x models will only go up to 254 seconds, but the 7x models support the current zwave specs and you can go up to 127 minutes technically. Instead of having the hub step your level slowly, sending dozens of commands and possibly causing a choppy transition, you can can just set the level with an extended duration (in seconds) and let the switch do the transition smoothly. Input is in seconds but anything over 2 minutes will be rounded to the nearest minute (the command must be sent in minutes once you get past 127).

[1.6.3] - 2022-11-22


  • Enabled parameter 7 for ZEN72 on new firmware
  • Set Level Duration supports up to 254s for 2x and 7,620s (127 mins) for 7x


  • Fixed lifeline association checking on ZEN30 - @es_ferret
  • Convert signed parameter values to unsigned