[DRIVER] Zooz ZEN Switches Advanced (and Dimmers)

There is supposed to be a warning up above in the states also which reads "Unsupported Device Model - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!"

Also, all of your parameters are probably no longer visible as well?

Anyway, somehow your device is missing information in the Data section there which is messing up the driver. You could try going to zwave details and refreshing the device, it might populate it but I dont think it will. If you have a C7 hub you could factory reset the switch and then to a Zwave replace. I have a guide on how to do the replace [Guide] Updating Firmware and ZWave Replace. You could also use the custom Data Item Edit app to manually put the info back in there.

I wonder if that info is only available during pairing or if I could grab it from the device on a configure to make sure it is there.

You are missing the deviceID and Mfg, which the driver uses the deviceID to verify the model.

Update there is a way to query the device for that missing info, so I think I will add it to my universal scanner driver first to test it. If you want to wait for that it might not be until tomorrow.

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