[DRIVER] Zooz Sensors Advanced (ZSE11, ZSE18, ZSE40, ZSE41, ZSE42, ZSE43, ZSE44, ZSE70)

Yes, it should work correctly.

I just got my new ZSE11 on Thursday and I have been testing it on battery and mains power. Seems to work great either way. I never did test it on the system driver but Zooz told me about the issue and said the sample code I sent them fixed it for them.

Issue is probably that older drivers might be looking for "Sensor Binary" report which are depreciated from the z-wave spec now, so new model only uses Notification reports. The old model could also send notification reports so this driver works for both using those.

I wiped Current States and State Variables and reinitialized new driver
and it seems to be working now.


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Yes, just running the Configure should do the trick when switching.

It is either really cold or you are using Celsius for the temp. Does everything seem to be working correctly for Celsius? I have the driver coded so it should always convert the temp to your main hub setting but I never have actually switched my hub and tested it. I probably should also just force the device setting to match the hub setting instead of showing it, since even if set wrong the driver will just convert it.

Yes. I'm using Celsius.
I installed it an hour ago. so far it looks good

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Thanks so much for the update. I have the ZSE11 and it was not detecting motion. Motion is working now and all of the other configs are great.

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Recently on my C5 I have upgraded the Zooz ZSE40 700 Series 4-in-1 Sensor custom Zooz Sensors Advanced driver from 1.0.5 to 1.2.0 and this version on the C5 is making the device unresponsive. The device itself still blinks when motion is active but the driver in Hubitat continues to show inactive. Also all the pending changes never update from the device even if I wake-up the device multiple times. Temperature and humidity reading do not update as well. At another location running Hubitat C7 ( I am running version 1.2.0 with NO problems which make me think that this may be an issue on Hubitat C5 and this version 1.2.0. Switching to the driver provided by Hubitat the device works with no issue. The only problem I have in using the Hubitat driver is that it does not allow me to make changes to the Temperature and Humidity offsets. I had no reason to move onto 1.2.0 but I saw a new version and went with it. Is there a link to download the older versions as I would like to move back to 1.0.5. Restoring from backup is not possible as I have made too many changes since my last backup. In the meantime, as I need to control a few important devices with this ZSE40 I have made the necessary code changes to compensate for the offsets I need to setup in the driver. Thank you for the device code and help in this matter.

I would try 1.1.0 first: Hubitat/Drivers/zooz/zooz-zse40-multisensor.groovy at ec9d04aa2202cb09c74802dbf1d6304e2aa29440 · jtp10181/Hubitat · GitHub

Then here is 1.0.5 as well: Hubitat/Drivers/zooz/zooz-zse40-multisensor.groovy at a3eeca5af39615133c3edb96bcece21f148ed364 · jtp10181/Hubitat · GitHub

Thank you so much for the links to the previous driver versions. I have tried 1.0.5 first to make sure that device is working again. After I confirmed that the ZSE40 is working again then I switched to version 1.1.0 and the device became unresponsive. I can confirm that the device works fine with either the native Hubitat driver or the custom driver version 1.0.5. For now and until I upgrade this remote location to the C8 hub I'll leave it on this version.

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What firmware version is being reported for the device at the bottom in the data section?

This device is running firmware version: 32.32

Ok strange, no idea how my updated driver would make it stop responding. It for sure supports that firmware, that is the newer 700 chip model, I have one and its working fine. I will take a deeper look and see if here is something I changed that may have broken it. Otherwise just keep running 1.0.5 for now.

I hope the following will shed some light as you look deeper in your code....So I checked again my other location where I'm running another ZSE40 (v700) on a C7 hub ( The custom driver there is version 1,2,0, however the device's firmware version is 1.10. When I checked Zooz website the 700 series should be on 1.10. In this version they added parameters 9 and 10 for temperature and humidity offset settings. I let you check their change log file. Maybe at this location I need to update the firmware to 1.10 (strange going backwards, but according to Zooz website it's just for standards on their side). Before I make the change I have to evaluate the pros and cons and I also have to find my Zooz Zwave USB Stick to make the firmware update.

Just wanted to confirm that ZSE41 800LR is supported on this driver as well? Looked and didn't see specific mention for LR...

If youve been following my zse41 in lrode doesnt even work in farthest corner of house. Hopefully yours works better.

Yes all 800LR models should work no problem. I will go and update all my info on the first post here shortly.


Great. thanks. Just installed the ZSE41/LR at our back gate, about 100' behind the house, and another 20-30' from there to the hub in the office at the front of the house, and it's registering open/close consistently (connected to a C8-Pro)! Really impressed. Also had no idea these sensors were so small. Going to get some more of them for some of my farthest spots where I want a contact sensor. It arrived w/the current FW version (2.0) so no need to update, which is nice.


Ya gotta wonder how long the little battery will last.

Will be interesting...it's only a CR-2032, but some devices get me >year on similar/smaller, so fingers crossed. Even so, having a sensor on the gate will be nice regardless, as I have accidently left it open a few times.

Hopefully using @jtp10181's custom driver will help conserve battery.


LR is new frontier.

Hence the "hopefully." :slight_smile: