Drag and drop vs level slider - disable d&d? lock dashboard?

Drag and drop is great for editing! Unfortunately, at least in Firefox, it's preventing me from moving level sliders -- after I move the slider a little it switches to drag and drop mode, like so [gif]:


Most of the time I don't want to edit dashboards, though, so I'd like to disable drag and drop until I need it. Is that possible?

(Or, how can I lock a dashboard completely, so that I have to take a specific action to be able to edit it? I found a very old thread about locking dashboards but I couldn't find the options it was referring to.)

Edit: I found the lock option (Apps > the dashboard to change > Advanced > Lock down dashboard). Leaving this post up because of the slider vs. drag and drop issue!

Edit 2: The "Lock down dashboard" option doesn't seem to prevent drag and drop. That seems... unexpected?

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Exact same problem. My dashboard is full of sliders and every time I grab one and drag it, the dashboard thinks I am trying to relocate that tile. It makes it very hard to work the slider. Surprised this hasn't been more of a problem for people.

Tried locking it like the OP, that didn't work. Hopefully this gets addressed! Doesn't seem like it would be a hard fix.

This should be fixed now! The fix went out in and it works correctly for me in Firefox and Chrome (although not in the "MenuBarX" menu bar browser tool... that seemed sufficiently obscure that I didn't bring it up!)

What browser are you using?

(I still don't love that a locked dashboard can be edited through drag and drop, though...)

You are right! Working great now