Download Data

Is there a way to "export" data from HE? Specifically, it would be nice to be able to export device information to .csv for sorting and review and such.

It would also be nice if we could export RM rules so they could be imported again if they get deleted or broken.

It's not quite as elegant but for device information I have found just selecting the entire device table, copying it, and pasting it into Excel results in a pretty clean table. The only thing that doesn't work cleanly is the Name sometimes ends up making a separate row (Label and Name). That's unfortunately inconsistent so it requires some cleanup.

I don't know if this is specific to the MakerAPI app but you can display all your devices in JSON format. I am sure you can parse that to a table format and import it into a spreadsheet. The display come out like

        "name": "Generic Z-Wave Smart Switch",
        "label": "attic",
        "type": "GE Z-Wave Plus Switch",
        "id": "108",
        "date": "2019-03-26T17:47:46+0000",
        "model": null,
        "manufacturer": null,
        "capabilities": [
        "attributes": {
            "doubleTapped": null,
            "dataType": "ENUM",
            "values": [
            "numberOfButtons": null,
            "pushed": null,
            "switch": "off"
        "commands": [
                "command": "configure"
                "command": "off"
                "command": "off"
                "command": "on"
                "command": "on"
                "command": "refresh"

Way over my head on that one. LoL

  1. Install Maker API (Apps > Install Built-In Apps > Maker API)
  2. Add the devices that you want to capture into Maker API.
  3. Grab the URL for [Get All Devices with Full Details]
  4. Open in a web browser.
  5. Go to and paste in the JSON that's returned from the Maker API.
  6. Win.


Exactly what I did. I should have listed the steps. The only issue I had with the conversion is the commands column in the farrrrrr right. The commands spill down to fill several additional rows leaving blank rows at leftmost column (A). I lopped off the commands column and then sorted the results to eliminate the blank rows.


Yep, noticed that too - and is all good. Lets me "see" everything at a glance (and sorted/filtered as I want). Thanks all!


Is there anyway to configure the timespan of the log exported by Maker API, or any other app that allows the whole device activity tables to be exported to Excel or Google Sheets?