Double-tap doesn't work for Aeotec Wallmote/Minimote

Trying to setup both Aeotec Wallmote and Minimote button controllers in Rule Machine. I've selected the double-tap trigger in the rule. It doesn't work. If I view the log, there is no double tap event showing up.

Anyone else run into this problem? I'm using the Aeotec drivers for each of these.

Wall mote doesn't support double tap.

This is what I get when I double tap:

dev:77 2022-02-11 11:31:49.721 am info Aeon WallMote2 button 4 was pushed

Here's what the driver says are attributes it offers:
Screen Shot 2022-02-11 at 11.33.10 AM

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Ok thanks. Don't know why double-tap is available as an action for both WallMote and NanoMote. Must be driver bug.

Again, the driver only reports the following:

Screen Shot 2022-02-11 at 12.54.45 PM

Additionally what it is NOT reporting is:

Screen Shot 2022-02-11 at 12.56.11 PM

It would need to use that capability for it to show up in any Selector for a double-tappable button. It doesn't, thus it doesn't show when you try to select it. :smiley:

How does one get this driver report? I agree that the Wallmote does appear to support double-tapping, But is this also true in the NanoMote Quad?

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Thanks! That's a great app that tells me exactly what I'm looking for. :grinning:

for my minimotes i use held and pushed not double tap.