Dome DMMS1 Lux light setting

Can anyone explain how to integrate my Dome motion sensor to not turn on a light during the day time. Also what number LUX setting should be used?
Thanks in advance.

You will have to look at the values your sensor reports and see what reported level would make a good threshold for you. If mine is in a window pointed outside, something around 300 lux is what I personally decided once with this sensor in my environment. If pointed inside, I imagine that value would be lower for most people. Also note that srnaoes pointing inside are tricky, as you may capture lux changes caused by indoor lighting--another issue. Regardless, different people likely have different preferences here, so I'd again suggest seeing what your sensor reports when.

Assuming you find something that works for you, most apps have ways you can set restrictions or other options based on lux. For example, the Motion Lighting app has an option to turn lights on only if lux is less than a specified value: Motion Lighting Apps - Hubitat Documentation. Similar apps also tend to have this option, and you could do pretty much whatever you want in a rule too (though that would not be my first choice for lighting).