Does moving hub affect ZigBee network?

Hi all. I moved my hub to consolidate it with the rest of my equipment. Now I seem to have a lot of Zigbee issues. I have over 70 switches and dimmers around the house. Some are responding and some are not. It’s really weird. It doesn’t even seem to be related to which side of the house or how far away from the hub. For context:

Hub is online and connected to the internet

I’m using the local web interface direct to local IP of the hub. Not the cloud interface.

Does the Zigbee mesh routes need to rebuild since I moved the hub? It’s been a week or more since I moved it.

Any thoughts?

unplug it for about a half hour to 45 mins, out it in it's final resting place and let the mesh rebuild. It should be stable in about 24-48 hours

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When I moved my zigbee devices to a new hub, I found that I needed to do a configure / refresh on them a couple of times to ensure they stayed connected. Not sure why, but it worked. Haven’t had an issue since.

In my experience Zigbee network can take a full day to reorganize itself after changing devices or its placement.

After that, mine works quite reliably.

I second the unplug method. It takes 20 minutes of the hub being offline after which all of the Zigbee devices will go into panic mode and recalculate their routes.


Thanks guys. Unplugged for two hours today. Things are still not working great 8 hours later. I’ll give it until the end of the weekend and report back in then. If there is debug logging or something else I should be doing in the meantime lemme know. :+1:

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What do you mean by this? What did you actually do? > Blockquote

Just give it some time to map out it's routes it will auto heal over time.

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Check the neighbor table entries in http://yourhubsIP/hub/zigbee/getChildAndRouteInfo . When your hub moved it likely acquired some new first-hop routers that will be listed in the table; the usable ones (for routing purposes) will have nonzero inCost/outCost numbers (in the range of 1-7; the lower the better). These neighbors should show up pretty much immediately; connectivity to the rest of the network won't progress without them no matter how long you wait.

When you refresh the page, these neighbors shouldn't change as long as your network is stable (though the age counters will increment every 15 sec or so); if you're always seeing different devices in the 16 neighbor slots then your hub isn't establishing good RF links to the first-hop routers and is hunting for new ones. Age counters getting to 7 and in/out costs showing 0 are also indications of marginal links.

If you have some decent repeaters that seem like they should be in range of the relocated hub but aren't showing up in the neighbor table (and the table has free slots-- it's limited to 16 max), try resetting and rejoining them (don't delete the devices from HE, just try resetting them and rejoining). They should be able to rejoin on their own in a scenario like this, but in practice sometimes it just doesn't work like the book says it should... If you still don't see stable neighbors showing up, you may have some kind of environmental issue (RF interference or blockage) where the hub is now located.


This is more for situations where Z-Wave devices are moved from one hub to another. As I re-read your ask, I understand that you are moving your hub, not devices to a new hub... So @lewis.heidrick and @Tony’s recommendations are the most appropriate.

That said, to answer your question from the Zigbee device’s page:

Not sure what it does, except that when migrating from one hub to another with a database restore, the Zigbee devices stop working after a short while if those two buttons are not pressed...

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Hey Tony,

Thanks for that technical share, now I can see the neighbour table. Didn't know how to see that until I found your post. Very much appreciated!

