Just got a Xiaomi Aqara Magic Cube and am using the Hubitat device handler from @veeceeoh. For now I am announcing what was done with the cube, using Button Controller, but I am only able to add 5 buttons. The device handler reports 7 different button presses.
Is there a 5 button limit in Button Controller? If so, I would like to request that Button Controller support more than 5 buttons.
If it is not a Button Controller limitation, how do I need to change the device handler so Button Controller will allow me to set actions for all 7 buttons?
For anyone that might be interested, if you like gadgets then the Magic Cube is pretty nifty . I bought one through eBay for $20 but a couple of days ago bought 2 for the same price from GearBest.
Also experiencing a problem with Button Controller and TTS...I have it say "Magic Cube One shaken" on button 1 press, but what it says is "Magic Cube 1 button null null"
You can give ABC a shot. It is built differently from the built in BC app with no limitation to button number. It will detect the number of buttons your device has (if the driver declares it) and let you configure each button. If the driver does not declare the # of buttons you can specify in the advanced options.
With the latest release, Button Controller now supports 7 buttons. It also supports all of the button events: pushed, held, released, and doubleTapped. See this post: Button Controller Version 1.5
Yup it is working...thanks for the quick turnaround! Now my other two Magic Cubes have arrived and I'm really ready to play!
I did run into some weird behavior on buttons 6 and 7. It appears that they are properly saved, but when on the page where you set the message and destination, when you click done you get sent back to the page for buttons 4 and 5. I just went ahead and clicked Done and looks like what I set was saved and the proper messages do play. I can recreate this when I edit buttons 6 and 7 also.
Just started my transfer from ST. Noticed that the button controller only supports 7 total buttons. My Remotec ZRC-90US has eight buttons (supported by the driver). Any chance of getting an update?
We will update it to 8 buttons for the next release. The limit is on how many buttons can be setup in one instance of the app, not how many buttons the device may have.
Hi @bravenel what are the chances of getting this extended again. I have a button device with 20+ buttons. Would be nice to program all with one instance.
Here is the device. It has been working great on hubitat.