Does anyone have some generic driver code for a Zigbee 4-Channel Multi-Endpoint Switch Relay board, such as would run the MHCOZY?

I write my own apps for all my automations, and I have used the MHCOZY to automate specific systems, or I have used them to make dumb things smart. Then I write a custom app to control it. I end up writing a virtual driver so I have a "device" to access the controller with, to use in my automation apps and dashboards.

If I had the basic code for a multi-endpoint Zigbee switch, I would not have to lay a virtual driver on top of the switch driver, with the controller app in the middle.

So, just wondering if anyone has code they would like to share to control a Zigbee relay board, so I could modify it into an actual custom device with additional attributes and logic. I know Hubitat will not share the built-in code with me, but that would be ideal.

I have three things now this would be useful for where I am using the relays with a custom app:

1, Stove Fan Hood/Speed Controller - For the "Hood Fan" driver
2. Zone Valve Controller for a Furnace - For the "Thermostat" drivers
3. Irrigation Controller - For the "Garden" drivers

Thanks, I don't expect much but you never know.

Have you tried the generic zigbee multi endpoint switch driver?


Yes, that is what I use, but I do not have the code for it to modify it into a specific device, so it just gets added to my controller app which has to control it as a separate device, in addition to a virtual driver device that allows for the attributes and logic I use for the application. I just want to move attributes and logic into the multi-endpoint switch driver code, to make a "real" device. One driver that does all, instead of a virtual device and the physical multi-endpoint switch device working together from the app.

Sorry, I'm not following any of this.
Are you saying that you want to control all 4 endpoints (child devices) from the parent device?

I guess that would be required, yes. The parent device would have additional logic and attributes to control the child devices directly, if possible.

Maybe this isn't feasible... it just seemed doable to try to eliminate an additional virtual device needed to control the actual zigbee relay device via an app in the middle. There would still be an app, but the virtual driver functions would be combined in the driver that actually sends the zigbee commands in the multi-endpoint switch.

Basically, I want to add the ability of the virtual drivers I'm using with the app to actually send the Zigbee commands itself, instead of the virtual driver telling the app to tell the multi-endpoint switch device to send the commands.