Do I need to deregister my hub?

The documentation says to completely reset my C8 I should deregister it. I've been told this doesn't really impact the hub, but I do want a complete reset.

The website won't let me because I have to cancel any subscription. I did cancel it, but it's stuck in pending and won't let me deregister. Is there any way to speed up this process?

I have opened a ticket but had not expected to get stuck at this point and want to start rebuilding my network.

Are you getting rid of the hub? If not then I wouldn't worry about it. If you are, go to and click subscriptions. @bobbyd will take care of you.

This is accurate if your goal is to sell your Hub. You don't need to deregister if you are keeping it.


Thanks. That really confirms things.

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I already mentioned this in your other topic about the same subject (spoiler alert: no):