DIY- Battery Backup Hubitat- under TEN bucks-NO soldering

Seon is going to be making the WOPR clock again soon! :sunglasses:

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Sweet, I registered my interest a while back so hopefully it won't be long. Thanks for the heads up!

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No worries.

I might have to get another one. :rofl:

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Just watched the replay (6am was simply too hard). Looks like it should be available in another week or 2 with a couple of enhancements.

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I haven't actually watched it yet, what are the enhancements?

Moving all the buttons to the front and rearranging the breakout pins. Wasn't sure if there were more cos I skipped the kicad parts :grinning:

Anyway let's hope he ordered enough parts to satisfy demand (around 106 kits are being made apparently)

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Hi @Rxich ,
I found a PiPower unit in my office today and was looking for what to do with it,
Searched this forum and found your reply.
So, is it safe to use this PiPower with my C8 hub? Can it be charged when connected to the hub?
Mine came with no butteries included, what batteries are you using?

HAHAHA, this is so funny, as not 2 days ago I found an old Pi-power on my desk. I placed 2 Panasonic 18650's in it(about 3400mAh each cell) and hooked it up to my C8. Been running perfect. The only problem is my hub is at the top of my loft beams, and I need a ladder to reach it, so when I shut down yesterday I had to get a ladder to pull power to restart the hub. To remedy this I added a Sonoff USB/wifi power switch to flip power remotely.

TLDR- Yes ! it works perfectly fine and I'm buying another. The hub consumes miniscule amounts of power and the batteries below will run it for likely a full 24 hours

You can get this Sanyo or Panasonic, I believe they are both made by the same mfg.

Sonoff USB switch!USD!8.32!4.83!!!8.32!!%402103209517043931011927988ee5bf!12000029425472000!sea!US!712076553!&curPageLogUid=EZTRCOvMh27H&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch|query_from%3A

Although I like the Sinilink one better, and you can flash Tasmota and no need to use an app to control it, with the Sonoff you need EwElink app

Update I see an even larger one that uses 21700 cells for an even longer runtime. I have not tested the unit yet, but I'm thinking of trying it out.


Update, they now sell the PiPower with batteries included, for the same price. However I doubt they are anywhere near as powerful as the Panasonic/Sanyo cells I listed above. Going to try to find an older unit where I can supply the cells.
FYI, my PiPower is actually charging from POE using a convertor, much less wires/plugs/mess.

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Here are 2 units verified to work.
The first one holds 18650 cells,scm-url:1007.10668.131923.0,pvid:635234be-63ac-4b87-8a7c-cbec7a8cefa0,tpp_buckets:668%232846%238114%231999&pdp_npi=4%40dis!USD!19.65!19.65!!!19.65!19.65!%402101c5ac17138048594885664e1711!12000037389751406!rec!US!712076553!&utparam-url=scene%3ApcSmartCardPaySuccess|query_from%3A

This one, is higher capacity. It takes 21700 cells for a much longer runtime. I am currently using it and it works very well


1 Does the Pi-power need to be connected to a Raspberry Pi for it to work as a HE UPS or can this work stand alone?

2 Is there a case I could put Pi-power in?

3 Is the Pi-power plug and play or do I need to program/configure it?


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No need to connected to a pi, and there are plenty of cases to be 3d printed. It comes with a plexiglass bottom to shield the electronics and zero programming is necessary