Dishwasher Alert RM4 Code Question

Hello All,

This is not alerting as expected and I am so tired today haha, any suggestions:

Thanks Again

I'm not that familiar with all those if's in your rule, but look at this and then customize your own rule with your own settings. Mine is running without errors since implemented. The delay is important to avoid false alarm (more messages than expected).
In your case, you don't receive any ?

It won't work since the trigger is > 10w and the if is >10w. Change the trigger to power changed then your rule will get run.

Of course you'll then have to change the first if, since you'll be called repeatedly and can't have time nor the PB in there. Need more help?

Your rule will never fire...

You first if checks if PB is False and sets it to true. The next part of the rule is an Else-if Seeing if PB is false still....Directly after that, you have an If PB is true. By definitioin it cannot be both at the same time, so this branch of the rule will NEVER execute.


Also, your trigger is for the power becoming > 10. So, the if on the first part of the rule will always be true. I wonder if 10 is the correct value for that since the device is reporting 160 in your screenshot.

If you are trying to alert you when the dishwasher is done and you are trying to do this with power monitoring, you are going to run into trouble. The dishwasher, just like your cloths washer, uses different amounts of power depending on what it's doing. And there are parts of the cycle where it uses almost no power at all. I would suggest you first look at the power readings across a whole cycle. You can send the value to IFTTT for logging to a google sheet. That will give you an idea what your threshold has to be and how long it will have to be below that threshold before you can call the cycle complete. Once you get that, you can set up your rule as follows:

Trigger:  Power level CHANGING


If Power level is above threshold
        Cancel Delayed actions
        If PB is False
                 Set PB True
Else If power is below threshold and PB is Ture
      Delay actions by necessary amount Cancelable
      Send notification
      Set PB false

That is going to get you what you want.

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My goal is to have a trigger that indicated when the dishwasher cycle is started (I checked and it peaks above 1000). And then wait a specific amount of time (I know how long a normal cycle takes but have the delay for 3 minutes for testing purposes) before alerting the house.

This is what I just tried and the PB sits at True but no alerts.

Don't do "cancel timed actions" you want Cancel DELAYED actions. it's under the delay menu.

Your trigger is wrong. The trigger has to be "changed" not greater than a number. With your trigger, it won't run the rule when the power dips below 1000. :slight_smile:

It works except for a critical and new flaw (never had this happen with any other rules), it will repeat the Notification every 10 seconds or so until I pause the rule....any ideas?

Yeah....I have no idea on that one. Sorry. Good luck.

OK so I made some changes and for the life of me I can not figure-out why this rule repeats the alert multiple times after the 1 hour 31 minute delay. Any Ideas?

Because this sequence probably happens:

  1. Washer goes over 1010w and sets PB to true
  2. Washer reports under 1.7w and the PB is true: schedules future notification
  3. Washer reports under 1.7w and the PB is still true: schedule future notification
  4. ....
  5. Profit. (sorry joke)

But until the 1:30 minutes later you don't set the PB false. Just move that up to the other side of the delay.

Lol...well, some solutions are so close they become to blurry to see :slight_smile:
