Discussion about the C7


I think I will "stick" it to them.

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I used the stick to kill them.

Mark as "Is Failed," then Remove Failed worked best.


It should be this easy in HE. So should Replace Failed Node. :wink:


It would be if SiLabs would permit it, The stick gets to use the older SDK and doesn’t have as many hoops as what is required with the SDK for the 700 chip.


Well there's always the 800 series to look forward to right?
:man_facepalming: :rofl:


Other than higher power zwave LR (me: looks around for his pile of zwave LR devices, but comes up empty-handed), 800 doesn't bring much to the table for controllers.

800 series battery powered end devices should have longer battery life though, which is always good.

And of course higher power zwave LR end devices if/when they ever show up.

Also note that silicon labs confirm that they will likely run out of Z-Wave 500 chips this year. They also said that Z-Wave 700 chips are still on allocation, and 800 series chips are even harder to get right now (and will continue to be until at least 2023).

Supply chain and Chip shortages are ruining everything.


Good info.

That said, the 4-letter "W" word had failed node replacement when HE didn't on the older chipsets/SDK.

Disclaimer: I love my HE!

My z-wave network feels more responsive on 2.3.1 + ZW 7.17.1 firmware, and it might fix some of the removal bugs some folk have been seeing.


That's good to hear.

However, I'm seeing enough issues on the community and FB posts and my usual wait and see on zero day updates to not change my position - I will wait.

Really, I've seen one topic created about the FW upgrade not completing on a single c7 and that's it. I've got 2 c7's and both are running better than ever on 2.3.1.

That's the 4th time that I've tried to update. This time I got to 78% when it crapped out....

Why does this happen?
I tried it after a reboot, nothing was going on in the logs,
am I ever going to be able to update the firmware?

I waited about 10 minutes after the reboot before applying the Zwave update, went smooth.


Do a shutdown (from the menu). Then power down for 30 seconds. Power up again. Then wait a good 10 minutes and then update.

/ninjaed by @thebearmay


Will try again, "thebearmay" way....
Patience, patience, patience, and carry on!

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Same here, I updated the main firmware, rebooted and then waited at least 10 mins before running the z-wave firmware update. The latter took about 10 mins by itself.

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May I suggest some "sure fire" instructions on how to do this zwave firmware upgrade be posted when you click on that button?
Perhaps some "contra indicators"?
e.g. no chatty zwave devices
no other tabs/computrers open
at a time when all is "quiet"

Try #5:
Unfortunately, the "bearmay" way has not delivered the goods for me this time.

  1. Did a reboot
  2. Did a Shutdown
  3. Removed Power and waited 30 seconds.
  4. Restored Power and booted up.
  5. Waited 10 minutes.
  6. Firmware update button.


try again, patience and carry on!

@jtmpush18 what's been working for a lot of people is to add two steps to your list:

  1. Did a reboot
  2. Did a Shutdown
  3. Removed Power and waited 30 seconds.
  4. Restored Power and booted up.
  5. Waited 10 minutes.
    --> 5 1/2. Navigate to the z-wave details page
    --> 5 3/4. Wait another 5 minutes
  6. Firmware update button.

According to @bcopeland just displaying the z-wave details page involves a lot of internal calls to the z-wave stack that can clutter up the works. The additional wait allows the queue to clear. With a few exceptions, this trick has worked for most people.


This seems to me one of the most important parts of a successful update for those who are having problems.

Why problems occur for some and not others is really interesting, I had two C7 hubs one completely full of devices and automations the other one almost empty of anything and both updated easily the first try. I didn't have to wait anywhere or do anything special just went to the Z-Wave details page and hit firmware update.

My mom has always felt I'm special, but I don't think that applies in this case...