The beta build is Just gives me an idea what state your hub is at based on known issues. is the correct production release.
Can you provide a screenshot of your hub stats?
http://hubitat.local/hub/enableStats (Run this to start stat collection and let it collect for about 5 minutes)
http://hubitat.local/hub/stats (Run this after the 5 minutes has elapsed to view the stats)
http://hubitat.local/hub/disableStats (Run this to stop stat collection)
For Winodws PC's Shift + Windows Key + S is an easy way to take a cropped screenshot.
You can use these links to track down the apps and devices by putting the id's from stats
Suspect devices will have either a high runcount or high average run time. Local devices should be around 15ms. Cloud devices will have much higher. A high total runtime varies widely but is based on the runcount and average run time.
The stats are a quick way to take a snapshot of what's going on on your hub to see if anything looks out of the ordinary or is aligned with expectations. If there is something misbehaving it can have all kinds of adverse visible effects, anything from missed executions to radio or hub lockups. For the later sometimes people reboot to temporarily alleviate the symptoms but they will almost always come back requiring a scheduled reboot or some other work around.