Disappearing Z Wave devices

I know there has been a couple of older threads on this, which had peoples Z -wave devices disappear however I'm at a loss with my C5 firmware Its been running like a champ for many years.

The issue I have is I have my Z-Wave devices just disappear from the z wave detail page which results in the system being non responsive to any actions or events etc. I have performed the following

  • Z-Wave repair - seems to get them back
  • Soft Reset and restore from local back up, did not solve the disappearing issue
  • Numerous reboots and hard reboots with a power cycle

Yet in all cases after a period of time (Less than 24 hrs) the devices just disappear again. Is there any fresh advice for this issue?

Also I have a C8 coming so would anyone recommend a hubitat migration (I have hub protect) in this state from my C5 ? Can I attempt such a migration multiple times may be? I have about 50 devices so do not relish the thought of having to exclude and reinclude them on the new C8 plus redoing all the automations etc..

Any advice is much appreciated, happy to also troubleshoot alot more with the C5 for as long as needed.

Before migrating, shut down and unplug your old hub for 5 mins and power back up. This will ensure your radio isn't corrupt. Do a migration backup. Turn off old hub and restore during setup of the new hub. That said, you could have potential ghosts which WILL transfer with the migration and you will have to deal with them then.

Z-Wave chip is crashing (not corrupted).

It will be much easier to determine if you have any issues once you migrate to the C8 due to the extra details provided on the z-wave mesh.

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OK upgraded to a C8, the migrated devices and mesh seems to be stable that has formed. Going to monitor and enjoy the new features on C8 for a bit.

I would check the zwave details page for ghosted nodes, I believe they were not visible on the C5 so you possibly had some that came over and now are visible. Usually the give away is when there is no device attached to the node.