Disable Basic Rule with switch

I have a basic rule set up turn lights off when a motion zone is inactive for 20 minutes. I have a virtual switch set up to be on when the tv is on. That switch is working properly. I have that switch in the rule to disable turning off the lights when on. However, when the switch is on and there is no motion, the lights turn off anyway. Am I configuring something wrong?

We don’t see the status of the “Living Room TV Switch” in your logs. Is it possible that it may not have been on for whatever reason? Otherwise, from what I can tell, this rule looks like it is correct.

The switch seems to be functioning as I turn it on and off. At that time last night, the tv was put on an hour or so earlier. I checked the virtual device and it still showed on.

I've had the same happen to me - I have a plug with EM on my desktop PC which triggers a virtual switch when it's on/off so if it's on then it will prevent my bedroom lights from turning off ( I am using the Motion Lighting App Plus) however the lights turned off anyway once the motion became inactive despite the fact that my PC was on and so was the virtual switch. This doesn't happen all the time though, I have a feeling that if the rule for my bedroom lights is triggered before the virtual switch for my PC is turned on then it may not take this event into consideration before turning the lights off but I could be wrong...

Same issue here but a fix is coming...

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