Dimming RGB up on motion

I have been trying to write a routine in RM that can set bulb color and dim up over a few seconds. The routine will not change the dimmer any more than what is set in the "set color" lines. I am trying to avoid having the light come on at full brightness instantly especially in the evening and night modes. I have tried adding delays around the "adjust" command but it has not worked. What am I not understanding?

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On first glance, I'm inclined to point out that the entire IF-THEN structure passes by so quickly (on the order of 3-5 ms!) that your bulb may not be "grabbing" the Color you're intending to set. Perhaps it needs time to "settle"? If that theory holds water, then a simple

WAIT 00:00:03
tucked in before your "Adjust" action may suffice.

Is the bulb of type Hue by any chance? (Mine are notorious about ignoring Color Temperature specs when I set them in Room Lighting app.)

Either way, worth checking the Logs to see what's happening behind the scenes.

Inovelli Bulb Multi-Color LZW42


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I reset the "set color" commands to 100% until I figure how to make it dim up over seconds. Here is what that log looks like.

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You could set the default fade time in the device preferences of Exercise Bulb to be the 2 seconds you want, and not worry about setting it in the rule.

Using "Set Color by Mode" is a nice concise way to set the color without having to build the conditional logic. I did a mockup of how that would look. It appeared you were raising the level to 100%, so I showed that, but you can set different levels for each mode too.

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I tried that first but it does not allow for a gradual increase to 100%. The light instantly comes on to the level set. I tried setting to 1% when setting color and then using a command to increase dimmer to 100% over 3 seconds and that would not work. Turning off is the only time the device setting of dimming speed 3 seems to have an effect.

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It sounds like there is a more fundamental issue at hand. What kind of color bulb or device is “Exercise Bulb”?

Inovelli Bulb Multi-Color LZW42

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