Different response times depending on mode

I have one i'm confused on, I have morning, afternoon, night and sleepy modes. My hallway has two hue motion sensors (connected to hubitat). What i've noticed is the lights respond (turn on) pretty quickly unless the mode is sleepy time. The hallway is very dark before 11pm (when sleepy time goes on) and response is quick, but after 11pm (sleepy time) the lights take up to 3+ seconds to turn on. I can't figure out why, its not the light level in the hallway, only happens on sleepy time mode. All 6 bulbs are zigbee bulbs. Sleepy time is about 5% brightness, before that its 80%.

It is probably because a lot of LED don't like to turn on at low levels like this. Just out of curiosity, what happens if you change that 5% to 10%?

Obviously, the lights and motion sensors are also in sleepy. time mode. They have to wake up, first. :rofl:

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It is the low dim level. It's a very common problem with LEDs.

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I wondered about that, i'll change to higher level and test. It doesn't always do it tho,

Mine are effected most of they haven't been on for awhile. If they were just on, I can turn them off, tell them to turn on at 2%, and it will react pretty quickly but still not instantaneous. If I turn them to 10% or more it's instantaneous. If they've been off for awhile and I tell them to turn on at 2%, it can take several seconds before the LEDs react. I can tell it's definitely the LED lights causing the lag because no matter what the dim level, the LED indicators on my dimmer switch itself always light up instantly.

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