Did Not Parse warning during Z-Wave Repair


I ran a Z-Wave repair this morning and found this in the live log

The device is an Iris Smart Plug, of which I have 2 and only one gave this warning


Please compare with the log with name "hub", look for node 4, sometimes you get an error because the device did not respond but the repair re send the command and then the device respond just fine.

I ran it again since I had closed the log by mistake, same results on the next z-wave repair, here is the hub log

It doesn't seem to be much different than node 24 which is the other Iris Smart Plug


For me it finished the repair so no worries. Do you have something wrong in the mesh?

Edit: A reference from ST, is the only info I got

Maybe your 2 Iris have diferrent firmwares. I did not see this error on my 5 Iris. I know some Iris came with an old firmware that caused some issues on the z wave repeater side.

All that message means is that we received a payload from the device that we aren't using, most commonly because we don't need it.

Thanks Mike,


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