Diagnostic Tool Version 1.1.113

I was looking to do a hard reset on my old hub and tried to follow through the directions on the website.

However, the ADVANCED options do not appear on my Diagnostic Tool. I tried to update it, but it shows as current at v1.1.113.

How did you try to update it, and where does it show as current? What platform version and hub model are you running (Settings > Hub Details)?

Does your hub have a connection to the Internet (beyond your LAN)? Try pinging cloud.hubitat.com using the Nework Test utility on this hub to see what happens.

The documentation on the soft reset discusses a full reset via the ADVANCED button on the Diagnostic Tool:

Here to is the information to "force" an update. Since my Diagnostic Tool on my C-7 (current firmware) doesn't look like this I went to the URL noted here: Hubitat Diagnostic Tool | Hubitat Documentation

My Diagnostic Toll shows v1.1.113, but when I go to the URL on the documentation is indicates No Update.

Yes, network access is fine.

What is your hub platform version? If it is very old that endpoint may not be on there. You might need to update the hub first before the diag tool.

Current Platform version is:

Which oddly just showed up as an update after having checked several times.

And now http://HUB IP/hub/cloud/updateDiagnosticTool produces:

{"success":true,"message":"Diagnostics tool successfully updated."}

thusly resulting in this:

I guess we're done here. :slight_smile:

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I know (I wrote it), just wasn't clear that those were the instructions you were following. :slight_smile:

All your symptoms sound like your hub lost cloud connectivity; then platform update and diagnostic tool update both require it. This what the (other) questions I asked above were intended to troubleshoot.

Glad you got it working in any case!