Devices status check

This many not be possible but is there any way to periodically check the last status of all devices(on/off) and if its not found to be true toggle that device?

Hi, could you clarify exactly what you are trying to accomplish? I am not sure what "not found to be true" means.

Assume you have a schedule to toggle devices.
You loose communication with you devices for a period of time either by power failure of wireless communication. During that lapse, a device or several devices should have toggled but didn't.

What I would like to see is periodically (a settable time) an app runs checks to see what state devices should be in, query's the devices to see its state true and if not toggle the device.

Take a look at Device Check Plus

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I have it loaded. This is looking towards what I am trying to do.
I have experience with commercial energy management gear.
Pretty much what they do is either receive a heartbeat from the devices reporting the state or they query devices to see what state they are in comparing it to the last state they were in.
So if you have a power failure or loss of communication the software tries to toggle the device into the correct state. I am not sure how this could be accomplished with the HUB. It doesn't happen often but I lost power the other morning and when it was restored my sunrise automation rule should have run but didn't run, leaving all my night-time devices on.
I tried to implement something like this running the automation rule over and over again. Problem was that if a devices state was manually changed when the rule ran would change the state.
Sorry for rambling. I think you may get the jist of my idea.

Mine is OK!

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