im tring to make a battery monitor "rule" or app but i put in this as a notification messgae -- %device% Battery Low %value% at %time% on %date%
and all i get is.... "null battery low 0 at time and date"
am i doing it right?
im tring to make a battery monitor "rule" or app but i put in this as a notification messgae -- %device% Battery Low %value% at %time% on %date%
and all i get is.... "null battery low 0 at time and date"
am i doing it right?
What's your trigger
battery level "changed"
There are a bunch of community-supported apps that will do this for you... saves a lot of aggravation.
If you want to continue the RM road, could you post a screenshot of your rule?
In case you missed it, there is the built in Notifications app that can be set to check for battery level. I've found my locks don't work well when below 60% so I use Notifications to let me know when one falls below that level. Maybe not what you're looking for.
The 85% is only to make it trigger to see if it works. Normally I would set it to 25% maybe, plus it would be multiple devices. Some come up with "null"
If you are hitting the run actions button the device variable will be null.
The device variable will only populate when the trigger fires on battery change.