Device status not updated when switch is physically toggled

This issue comes up from time to time. The problem is that many "classic" Z-Wave switches/dimmers, with GE being apparently among the most popular brands, do not report physical changes back to the hub without a refresh/poll. This is due to a patent issue (they did not want to license it) that has since expired. Here's another thread I found with some information, but there are probably more if you search:

If you don't need physical state changes reflected in Hubitat, you're fine to leave them as-is. If you do rely on state information (e.g., as conditions in rules or restrictions in apps, etc.), then you will probably want to configure polling. The easiest way to do that is with the built-in Z-Wave Poller app, which you can find discussed in a recent thread (which is also another that describes the same issue you have):

Some people also use rules with custom logic to do this instead. Others have moved the switches to places where they don't care to use physical state information (or manipulate it only digitally), like closets. Eventually, you may want to replace these with Z-Wave Plus devices (or something else), modern ones of which will not exhibit the same problems and will probably improve the range of your network and possibly support other features (e.g., multi-taps/scenes and network-wide inclusion, i.e., ability to pair Plus devices through the mesh) to boot if that is of any interest.