Device Replace functionality

As I have never used this before the circumstances of success may require certain conditions.
I have a ghost ZW I can't get rid off (until my ZW stick arrives) so as an experiment I tried Replace; it fails.
Is my use case errant?


Yes. You cannot replace a ghost.


Why not?

That node in the first post has a device attached to it already or was that created after repeated refresh attempts?

When does the replace fail? Does it fail instantly or does it time out?

It times out.

For me, as soon as I said Replace, I got the error message - no waiting for a timeout.

My experience was trying it with a C-7 more than 2 years ago. And my memory does tricks. What I remember is attempting it a few times and then giving up.

Yeah. Over that last 10 years I have had little faith in that process.
I'm a Delete and Add kind of guy with a screenshot of the "In Use By" before hand. :wink:

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