Device List page:
I usually scroll down a page using arrow keys or pg up and down. This is because I can't keep my mouse on the scroll bar and look at the page content at the same time (I never learnt to drive for the same reason - couldn't find the controls while watching the road)
Anyway in order to get the arrow keys or pg dn to work, you have to click somewhere in the panel you want to scroll. I am sure I used to be able to do this, but now wherever I click opens a device, not just on the hyperlink of the device label. Would it be possible to make it so only the first column is active to open a device rather than the entire row?
In most cases if you click on the page, you can simply use the scroll wheel on the mouse to move up an down... That should make it easier.
I don't have a scroll wheel as the only mouse I can use without pain is a logitech marble. I wish it had a scroll wheel, it's not like there isn't room! Make zooming in most games really awkward.
I could get a second mouse or trackpad to keep by my keyboard for this purpose but it's more clutter on my desk and I prefer hassle to clutter lol
But I feel sure you used to have to click on the device label to get to the device page
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I'm surprised the ergonomic ones don't work for you... I use a Logitech MX1 and with my arthritis it's quite comfortable...
Well they move. I can never keep my pointer where I want it on the mice with wheels underneath, while I am clicking. With the trackball, I lift my finger off it when I have the pointer where I want, and then click. I really prefer keyboard navigation wherever possible.
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I can do it by right-click then escape then the panel is active... Better than nothing...
In conclusion my request still stands