%device% is different than I had hoped

It's just a superset of Java. If you already have some familiarity with Java, it won't look too alien.

@he_bp Well I guess that's the crux of the problem, on one hand it's nice for things to work without programming, but that limits what you can do, and you aren't happy which it, which I'm guessing is why you're using RM. :slight_smile:

Groovy is pretty easy programming language if you know one of it's close friends, such as Java, Javascript, C, Lua. Javascript and Lua 5.x where developed over the same decade and basically share many of the same concepts. (Mainly typing and closures)

Where to start depends on what you already know, I started reading other people code combined with: The Apache Groovy programming language - Syntax

If you're not a programmer at all...oooof...Hubitat is a bad place to start. Apart from being a small embedded system the docs are nearly non-existant, rely on a lot of Samsun Smartthings docs, which Hubitat from a code point of view is a work a-like, mostly. This makes it tough to learn. Plus there's no good guidelines as to what's good of bad programming style for Hubitat. (we know Bruce has strong opinions on it, but there's nothing written in the wiki afaik)

But perhaps starting with basic/small example apps Hubitat has posted. Reading the Samsung groovy docs: SmartThings Classic Developer Documentation — SmartThings Classic Developer Documentation


Thanks for posting that. From your link I found this, which seems to be a perfect starting point:

I had seen Smartthings was also using Groovy but didn't really know what it was. I just read up on the history, and now it makes sense that Hubitat uses Groovy too.
