Develop a driver - (Venstar Thermostat Driver Development)

Has Hubitat changed something?

Just discovered that Fan Mode selection and Furnace Mode selection work from the Android Mobile App, but not from the WEB UI. Has this always been the case? I have delete tiles and recreated and still does not work.

Hi everyone, I bought a c7 hub and recently started tinkering with it again. For the Venstar thermostats I went ahead and updated the version on my github with the updated version from post 85.

While I"m not actively maintaining this source, if anyone is still using the script and has made updates to it, I can add you as a collaborator so you can push your updates. Otherwise I can make the updates whenever is the next time I look at this driver. =)

@toggledbits I see you made your own driver and if that works for you that's perfect. What's the link to your project? I'll add a reference to yours in my readme as alternate driver to try.

The repository is: GitHub - toggledbits/VenstarColorTouch-Hubitat: Hubitat Elevation driver for Venstar ColorTouch Thermostats that have Wi-Fi support and local API (e.g. T7850, T7900 and commercial equivalents)

And the driver install link is:

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