Description text logging - actionable?

Sure. I haven't used it much so I can't speak to how reliable it is but it seemed to work ok the few days it was used (we don't use the front door much and my use case is for a pet sitter). I can't remember why but I added the ability to bind two types of virtual switches - one that is on when manually locked and off when manually unlocked and the other is the opposite (on when manually unlocked).

    name: "Manual Lock Events",
    namespace: "rvrolyk",
    author: "Russ Vrolyk",
    description: "Tracks when a lock is manually controlled and updates virtual switch",
    category: "Convenience",
	iconUrl: "",
    iconX2Url: "",
    iconX3Url: "")

def lock = [
    name: "lock",
    type: "capability.lock",
    title: "Lock",
    description: "Select the lock to monitor.",
    required: true,
    multiple: false

def virtualLockedSwitch = [
    name: "virtualLockedSwitch",
    type: "capability.switch",
    title: "Virtual Lock Switch",
    description: "Virtual switch that should be turned on when lock is manually locked.",
    required: true,
    multiple: false

def virtualUnlockedSwitch = [
    name: "virtualUnlockedSwitch",
    type: "capability.switch",
    title: "Virtual Unlock Switch",
    description: "Virtual switch that should be turned on when lock is manually unlocked.",
    required: false,
    multiple: false

def enableLogging = [
    name:				"enableLogging",
    type:				"bool",
    title:				"Enable debug Logging?",
    defaultValue:		false,
    required:			true

preferences {
	page(name: "mainPage", title: "<b>Lock to monitor:</b>", install: true, uninstall: true) {
		section("") {
			input lock
			input virtualLockedSwitch
			input virtualUnlockedSwitch
			label title: "Assign an app name", required: false
		section ("<b>Advanced Settings</b>") {
			input enableLogging

def installed() { "Installed with settings: ${settings}"

def updated() { "Updated with settings: ${settings}"

def initialize() {
    log "Lock status: ${lock.displayName} " + lockStatus()
	subscribe(lock, "lock.locked", lockHandler)
	subscribe(lock, "lock.unlocked", unlockHandler)

def lockStatus() {
	return lock.currentValue("lock")

def lockHandler(evt) {
	log("Lock event: ${} : ${evt.descriptionText}")
	if (evt.type == 'physical' && evt.descriptionText.endsWith('by manual')) {
		log "${lock.displayName} was locked manually"
		if (virtualUnlockedSwitch) {
	} else {
		log "${lock.displayName} was locked"

def unlockHandler(evt) {
	log("Unlock event: ${} : ${evt.descriptionText}")
	if (evt.type == 'physical' && evt.descriptionText.endsWith('by manual')) {
		log "${lock.displayName} was unlocked manually"
		if (virtualUnlockedSwitch) {
	} else {
		log "${lock.displayName} was unlocked"

def log(msg) {
    if (enableLogging) {
        log.debug msg
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