[DEPRECATED] Kasa Plug, Switch, and Bulb integration

Initial report looks good. I turned on debug logging and energy monitoring back on for both devices and I see them reporting in just once every minute like they should be.

Thanks @djgutheinz for the quick fix!

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Same problem here with EM plug and DB overload.
Did a repair of Kasa integration in HPM and FIXED!
Problem with New Year? Y2K all over again?
Thanks to Dave for the hot fix.

Version 6.5.1 now available vio normal upload.

Fixed Energy Monitor Process for two lloops:

  • On getting last months data with month = 1 (January).
  • On parsing last month data request with month = 1 and year = last year.
    Fixed App Fatal error when an invalid return is received from the CLOUD (Impacts cloud if the cloud is unreachable).

Had to test using HPM and found the parsing last month data loop potential. If you loaded before now, a repair will load the current code.


My setup has remained stable as well, thanks again Dave, great work!!

After updating from 6.4.? to 6.5.1 I found this in my logs:

Is this right?

Also the preferences field for disabling description text logging is missing.

Yes to both. I disabled description text choice and reduced/clarified such messages to automatically be sent.

Ok I just thought it was odd it said starting 6.4.0 when I'd expected it to be starting 6.5.1

Are you sure you updated the APP??????

Just ran app. Message was
2022-01-02 08:09:21.374 am info[KasaInt/6.5.1-r1] starting Kasa Integration

def appVersion() { return "6.5.1" }

Is what is in the app code I have, and the log message was timed to coincide with me saving it after. I'll try rebooting the hub.

Curious. Is all working ok?

Yeah, the one single Kasa device (a bulb) is going on and off ok via Hubitat. I reckon the hub must have had the old build number cached or something. You definitely don't have 6.4.0 anywhere in your new app code.

Where are you seeing the message? In the logs????? The 6.4 is not in my code at all.

Check the Apps Code. You may have two versions installed.


Yep as per post #1626 I know that isn't in your code, I already checked. The only possibility left is something in the hub's cache

Check the Apps Code. You may have two versions installed.


It says modified just now but that's just cos I saved it again to make sure I'd saved it. I also checked to make sure I hadn't appended or inserted rather than overwriting

Totally at a loss.

Hub cache is my bet.

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Super minor issue -- I changed the polling interval for my 2 energy plugs and in both cases nothing happens when I hit "set polling interval" button. I have to do a page refresh to see the new polling time show up under the 'state variables' section. It did work so this isn't really an issue - just something minor I noticed.

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That is a Hubitat design of not updating the State Variables except on a save preferences or a refresh of the browser.

just installed the app and it's working flawlessly. i've added several kasa switches lately and was trying to figure out how i was going to get one of them working with my zigbee motion detectors on my hubitat automation. just wanted to say thanks @djgutheinz! :metal: