[Deprecated]Govee Integration for Govee Light, Switches, Plug, and now Appliances

That isn't a bad idea but is more about reverse engineering how their bluetooth commands work then about using any kind of documented API. That is way outside of my scope of abilities.

A year or so ago on a different platform i saw someone did some work along that lines bit it never got far.

This functionality continues to improve from govee so i am hopeful it will continue to get better. Plus a documented open API has a chance to officially be integrated into Hubitat. Lets just say i am very hopeful we will continue to see great official improvements from both Govee and Hubitat. It took Govee a while and maybe it is luck but I mads a few suggestions to govee a while back and they both recently came true, one of which at the time i was told was absolutely not on the radar.

Fortunately with the Lan control option turned on now the only call that uses the cloud API is the get device status. Everything else is local. So that opens allot of doors. That means unless you click the refresh button, or on the interval configured in the driver, it is all local.

@3rdStng and anyone else interested.

I ended up mounting the H6172 yesterday over from the corner of my house and around to the front door. I basically just sucked it up and accepted the visibility of the strip Pixels since there was not reasonable way to completely hide them. Other examples I was pointed to had similar issues as well so it seems this is pretty typical.

Some examples of what it looks like:

Here are two of the scenes
Ghost Scene: October 12, 2022 - YouTube
Christmas Scene: October 12, 2022 - YouTube

I need to get at least one and maybe 2 more strips though to complete the house. The two lights next to the garage door are Wiz Lights with their Fall Scene.

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That doesn't look bad at all. Thank you for the images and videos. Is there a static Christmas scene, similar to just the old school traditional bulbs? White, blue, green, red, orange, white, blue, green, red, orange...

Looks good to me! Although if you wanted to hide the pixels search "tape light channel and diffuser" on Amazon. Plenty of options that are not crazy expensive. Just make sure the tape width fits in the channel.

Thanks for the quick response back... Yeah it is out of my expertise as well. I have the H601A recessed cans and doesn't appear to support local API which has been frustrating. I'll put request in and hopefully they can update the firmware or come out with a revised version that supports local API.

After setting it up in use I will admit I am less concerned about it. I was considering this one though, but everything I was seeing indicated that the problem would be the pixel density. Even with a diffuser it would likely not work perfect, and they reduce brightness a bit. I think these strips are around 30 Pixels per meter and everything I have read about that indicates you really need around 60 for the diffusers to work well unless they are really deep.

Govee clearly has plans to bring it to any new devices. The govee home app is on v 5.3.x now and they have posted on their forums already that v5.4 enables 13 new devices. I can't imagine the can devices won't get it as long as they are relatively new

@3rdStng they do have a Christmas light scene. I don't know if it includes blue, but I did see several colors. Ofcourse you could always go into the DIY section and set that up as well if you don't like what they have.

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Hello, I have 2 Govee Smart Heater H7130. The app retrieves the device list but no Devices are created. Is that just a limitation of the component as of now?

No. It should create the device if it can pull it up in the list. I could only test with my humidifiers. As far as I can tell from the API it should work for all of them.

Where those devices the first ones you added, or where these additions to a install. If they are addons please remove all previous configured devices from the selections before trying to add new ones. That won't remove the device, but prevent the app from trying to add them again. This is something I need to fix still.

Can you recreate the attempt and then capture the logging and send it to me. It will help me identify what happend and if there is something i need to add for that appliance to build correctly.

I just got my wife a govee smart kettle model h7170 - any chance it can be supported? It doesn't currently show under appliances with the current version of this driver. :smiling_face_with_tear:

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This integration is just using the published API that Govee has provided. If your device isn't supported now the best thing you can do is reach out to Govee Support and ask that the device be added to the API.

That said I really don't know how they would add the kettle to the API's currently. They may need anther endpoint. Govee has a big update coming in November for the Govee home app that will add 13 more devices to the local lan API. Maybe it will happen when that update goes live.

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Judging from my exchange with their support people they do seem to be rolling out local control to their products but only for a subset of the functionality.

How to you just toggle the H6199's on? Within my scene it forces me to select the color mode and pick a color. BTW, thanks for the effort on the device driver!

I just use a rule in RM to trigger the device on/off based on power meters.

I just spent some time working on the main integration app and added some checks when adding devices to the system. What this should do is remove the problem of a failing adds when you are adding devices at different times. These checks will validate what previous devices were added in the past and then remove them from the initialization step. I have also done some cleanup of the code so there is allot less information commented out.

This may help you @tom6 incase my other statements didn't help you get it working previously.

i don't see H601A in this list, wondering if it really doesn't support lan or just that nobody has tested it out yet?

The list provided earlier in this thread is from Govee documentation. It can certainly be out of date as new devices launch, but not likely for older devices.

The best way to know for sure is to go into the settings screen for the device and wait 5-10 seconds. If the Lan control option appears it supports it. If not it doesn't. It is alao important to understand that just because the device model supports LAN control doesn't mean all hardware versions do. I have a H6052 that is a early hardware version that won't support LAN control per support.

They're updating the firmware in existing products so make sure you also check for an update

@user2263 There is also this coming next month which may add it.



Thanks for all of your work here.

I finally ordered the H6172's based on your experiences with them. I will now only have to "hang my Christmas lights" one more time.

I have Lightify Garden Spots in the front of the house. I'm going to use these in the carport.

Just received the H7061 (2-pack) Govee LED Flood LIghts. Set them up in the Govee app, requested and received the API. Installed the app via HPM, entered the API key and selected the flood lights and Done. The flood lights do not show up in the devices list. I tried adding a virtual device, but the only choices I get is the 2 drivers and not the flood lights. I tried the lights driver, but got no control of the flood lights. Am I missing a step?