[Deprecated] CATT Director (App and Driver)

I tried one of examples from the readme in the Github you link to download CATT in my RPi :

Requires Cast All The Things and Telnet be installed on a local server (ie. rPI)

Look at the readme and see the example below:

catt cast_site Rickrolling - Wikipedia

Below is the error displayed in RPi.

Usage: catt [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Error: No such command "cast_site".

All is working now. skorokithakis (Stavros Korokithakis) ยท GitHub changed the install on Rpi to pip3 install catt instead of pip install catt.

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New driver on Github...

Driver Version: (Send to Hub with CATT)
v1.0.4 - 01/03/20 - Adjustment for AW2

Should this be able to work with a normal chromecast device to display a Dashboard?

From the first post...

Missed that bit :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

Seem to have it connected in the device i created but can't get it to cast anything. No errors in the logs either.

Edit: Make sure you put your password in :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: Works great thanks mate.

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I seem to be having trouble with the CATT Director App and a motion sensor for the trigger.

I only have one Nest Hub Max. I set up a device for it using the Send to Hub with CATT driver.
In the child app I choose the Hub Max for both the CATT Device and the Google/Nest Device as I don't have the chromcast built in app installed.
I have a motion sensor set up as the trigger.
Do this first is set to cast a site.
I have changed nothing else. There aren't any second or third thing to run.

When the motion sensor goes active the cast_site is sent, but the a stop command is sent almost immediately. This is not due to the motion sensor going inactive as this is a virtual motion sensor that has the Auto Inactive set to disabled.

dev:12182020-04-18 04:19:14.569 pm debugparse pi@raspberrypi:~$ 
dev:12182020-04-18 04:19:11.726 pm debugparse pi@raspberrypi:~$ catt -d 'Kitchen Display' stop
dev:12182020-04-18 04:19:11.691 pm debugSending msg: catt -d 'Kitchen Display' stop
dev:13132020-04-18 04:19:10.426 pm info aa motion test is inactive
dev:12182020-04-18 04:19:01.997 pm debugparse pi@raspberrypi:~$ 
dev:12182020-04-18 04:18:59.219 pm debugparse pi@raspberrypi:~$ catt -d 'Kitchen Display' stop
dev:12182020-04-18 04:18:59.198 pm debugparse pi@raspberrypi:~$ 
dev:12182020-04-18 04:18:58.813 pm debugparse Casting on "Kitchen Display"...
dev:12182020-04-18 04:18:57.944 pm debugparse catt -d 'Kitchen Display' stop
dev:12182020-04-18 04:18:57.920 pm debugSending msg: catt -d 'Kitchen Display' stop
dev:12182020-04-18 04:18:55.782 pm debugparse pi@raspberrypi:~$ catt -d 'Kitchen Display' cast_site ''
dev:12182020-04-18 04:18:55.730 pm debugSending msg: catt -d 'Kitchen Display' cast_site ''
dev:13132020-04-18 04:18:55.554 pm info aa motion test is active

I don't seem to have a problem with using a switch as a trigger. CATT does what I expect, cast when the switch is turned on, then stop when the switch is turned off.

Give the new version on Github a shot...

2.0.2 - 04/18/20 - Adjustments


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That did it. It's now working like the switch does. Motion on - send cast, motion end - send stop. :slight_smile: Thanks!

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@bptworld Bryan, I have a wish for the child app :wink:
What would the possibility of getting a switch restriction? For example, if Switch A is on don't do the sequence.
I have a virtual switch that I flip on if the kids are in the backyard that disables most of the motion based automation for the backyard. It would be great to extend this to the CATT Director.

@bptworld or anyone else with a echo show know if this could work on show devices?

Bestbuy has two 10 inch shows for about 50% off. Thinking of jumping in.

Sorry no idea, all Google/Nest here.

New to Hubitat (~3 days since setup) coming from SmartThings. First, THANK YOU for this app and driver. I got everything working beautifully. LOVE IT!
My only issue is that it times out (stop displaying on Nest Hub Max) after exactly 10 minutes. Is this normal? I can't seem to find any clue as to why. Nothing in the system logs to indicate anything. The telnet session appears to still be active/connected. Am I missing something?

Welcome to Hubitat!

To be honest, I've never tried to watch anything on the hub for that long. I have some cameras that show but only a couple minutes at a time. If you can capture a debug log I can talk a look.


I did some more researching around last night. Seems that the HomeAssistant crowd is having the same issue. Looks like they are suggesting put it on a loop for every 10 minutes. :frowning:


I haven't started looking around into custom app/driver code to see if this is possible in Hubitat. I'd like to start getting into it though.

I also tried running the catt command manually with same 10 minute timeout result. I don't see any option to output log info after kickoff (verbose).

For the hell of it, here's my logs. Please direct me in a better direction if this isn't what devs see as kosher for what logs they want to see. Thanks for your response and having a gander at it! :slight_smile:

Office Display (Chromecast Video)

Office Display Controller (Send to Hub with CATT Driver)

Show Front Door - Office (Linked Switch)

Show Front Door - Office (CATT Director)

Trying to wrap my head around what is needed to stream my non-nest camera that uses an MJPEG stream to my google hub. Do I need an encoder with this driver to cast the camera to stream since the Google overlords don't support MJPEG?

  • Note - I don't know if they support MJPEG or not, I just saw another post mentioning they don't.

Sorry, this is one of the things I never did set back up when I switched all my apps over to a new hub.

  • Added to the list

If I remember right, you'll need to find a way to stream it to a browser first. Once you have that url, then you can use it with this.

I have the CATT Director and the CATT Director Child installed. I also have a server running CATT that works. Where is the "Send to Hub with CATT Driver" for Hubitat? I can't find it anywhere.

In the Driver section on my GitHub.

I also had a hard time finding it. The link provided does not list all available drivers/apps.
If you search the github repo you'll find it.