Please copy and paste your RM rule here. If the device works using the device details page, it should work from RM as well. All of my TTS notifications are from RM and work well.
Hmmm... that should work.
In the debug what I saw was Message was NULL. Somehow didn't get passed to it?
Try recreating the rule to see if that helps. It looks a little strange that the last single quote after the word Test is on the second line.
It Worked!!
When I created the failing rules, I had playing with other items in rule by ANDing with other conditions but I deleted the conditions to make is simple. This new rule is is from scratch without any edits and it worked.
When you said "follow along Heroku" instructions, I see that thats the ST classic app. How do I get around that ?
Instead of using the ST Web IDE and Classic Mobile App, simply use the Hubitat Admin web pages for both. In ST, you have to do some work in the Web IDE and the rest from their mobile app. In Hubitat, all administration is done in from the Hub's Admin web site.
Seems that mine it's working fine now but it's not clear how I've mad it working again because nothing of what I've done should be required..
Anyway here you are what I've done:
- Updated package.json in main folder hubitat/package.json at master · gabriele-v/hubitat · GitHub
- Updated package.json file in alexa-cookie subfolder too hubitat/package.json at master · gabriele-v/hubitat · GitHub
- run
npm install
- it asked me to update npm with
npm install -g npm
- run another
npm install
- rebooted the server with NodeJs (I had some other system updates pending)
- manually executed the renew from Hubitat Alexa TTS manager app
Really weird, I got a new Alexa Show today and when she connected she said, Mate, if you pick English Aus it will break you English US account, but if thats cool hit accept. Now I know I setup this amazon account as a US account because alexa wasn't living on this island. But when she got here I deleted my data out and added my Au address.
So this got me digging, and I had to jump through a bunch of hoops, but I finally found my core location details were blank. I added in the new location and all my Alexas pinged and ran off to get the English AU voice data etc..
I was so excited, im going to bang on Ogie's app and im going to be so happy..
Followed the steps, nothing.
But then I tried
hahahaha.. now its broken all of my voice commands for HE. Bloody hell.
i logged out of my app and back in, I have 0 skills. So just added HE and have control of that again. The only one I probably want back is Harmony Hub - not sure if they have that on the Au skill store though. Its a half win..
So, all this time your Amazon Alexa devices were using a US account, not an AUS account? That would explain the issues!
Can you please confirm... Are Alexa TTS voice notifications now working using my Alexa TTS Manager App/Devices? If yes, I will update my first post to remove the question about whether or not Alexa AUS devices are supported. Thanks!
Hey @ogiewon - my account was almost a shell, it had no location data other than the account was created as a .com one.
Yes - I can confirm it works. I made a quick rule for TTS to speak on one echo in the bedroom when a button was pressed and she spoke the command.
A quick question,
- does this put strain on the HE box like the GH/chromecast app ?
- so every week or so I need to re-apply the cookie if I keep my setup in this state ?
I have not noticed any negative impact. However, I do not use more than a handful TTS messages per day.
If you added a Notification device to the Alexa TTS App, you will be notified if the cookie expires (every 14 days.)
If you set up the Alexa-Cookie NodeJS server, then the cookie refresh is automated. However, Amazon changed something recently which has caused some disruptions to this automated process. @gabriele recently posted the steps he has taken to try and alleviate the issue, so hopefully there is a solution.
i'd only like a handful as well, aka "Steve, you left the garage door open again muppet" or "Steve, its garbage day, dont forget".
I can live with updating the cookie every 12 days if it means it works for now and saves me adding another assistant into the mix.
Thanks again for you help @ogiewon
Thanks @gabriele. I went through these steps tonight on my RPi, and I performed an apt-get update/upgrade while I was in there. Like you, I was able to force refresh my cookie from two of my Hubitat Hubs. Seems to be working. The true test is whether or not it still works during the next automatic update cycle. I'll let you know in another 5-6 days!
Thanks again!
One tip for RPi users... I did have to use sudo on the following step..
so it becomes
sudo npm install -g npm
edit: tagging @anon61068208 to keep him up to date on the progress...
FWIW my setup has continued to work. I haven’t changed anything since setting it up. Hopefully I am not jinxing myself by posting this.
I can't tell if it worked or not. Guess I'll know in a few days.
@gabriele, is your automatic refresh working? My cookie was supposed to update this morning at 2am. Everything in the logs looks fine (I.e. no errors, just a successfully updated cookie message), however the new cookie is invalid. Something seems to still be broken.
Any clues?
Dan I got an error this morning “error sending request for cookie” but mine continues to work. As mentioned above I haven’t changed anything in months so it’s strange mine still works.