[Depecrated] My Next Manager for your Nest® Tstats (firmware below 2.3), Protects and Sensors: all Nest attributes available (home/away, motion detection, setTargetHumidity, setHotWaterBoost) for automation-and no throttling!

I experienced a similar issue, but I didn't know if it was the MyNext app/driver's, Google SDM API, or Thermostat controller. Maybe when it's not the middle of winter and we're getting below freezing temperatures, I'll investigate.

In the meantime @yracine66, I've been dealing with the MyNext app apparently being the biggest resource hog on my hub. Is this expected? Is it possibly due to the number of devices?

Hi, it's of course expected if you have many devices and have set the polling to a high refresh value (ex. every minute or every 5 minutes).

You can try to increase the refresh interval or change the cache settings.


As a follow-up to my post, I submitted this issue to Nest support who ended up escalating it to their engineers after level 1 and level 2 support could not resolve it. A day or two later the connection between the thermostats and Google Home was fully restored (interestingly, their follow-up email said they couldn't fix it).

I didn't think your code was the cause, but I was investigating all potential sources as I was running out of things to check. Thanks.

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Long time lurker on these forums...first time posting.

Thank you for compiling this code. I purchased the bundle and followed the steps that were provided. I am getting a blank screen when adding the app. I think that the Google URL and cookie values are correct. I also ensured that I enabled OAuth when I added the app code.

After searching this thread for some troubleshooting hints, I enabled debug level in logging and see that the "token is expired". I searched this thread, but did not see any one reporting this error.

I currently have Google SDM API enabled, Google Home and Chromecast Integration installed. Could one of these apps be interfering with the OAuth?

Hi, please refer to my previous post

As indicated in my previous posts, don't log off from your Nest session (from which your extracted the login info, just close the browser session) or change your password. I don't think there is any interference as my code uses the Nest web APIs.

For the installation, you'd need to follow all the steps at the Readme.


I finally got OAuth to work. I had to use Chrome in incognito mode in order for the authentication to work.

A new issue has come up, my Nest Learning Thermostat isn't showing up, but my Nest Sensors are.

I followed Ram's workaround, to no avail.

Had to take a couple of extra steps... first reconnect the wifi on the unit itself... removed the thermostat from the nest app, restarted the thermostat, and then re added the thermostat.
Where I was getting stuck was it was generating an Entry Key correctly but when I would enter it into the Nest app to re-associate it, it would error out that it could not connect.

Checking the logs, I can see that the app sees the thermostat, but it's not available in the drop down menu. For some reason I can't embed a screenshot of the logs. :face_exhaling:

I'm sorry, but resetting the tstat with the WWN option is the only workaround that I know (and adding it to the Nest app again ).

Is your tstat a Google branded tstat or a second hand one (that was originally from an utility)?


The plot thickens...

I checked the MyNextManager status screen. In the Application State section, I can see both thermostat IDs listed there. :nerd_face:

Still looking in to this...

Like I wrote above, the only workaround is to reset them by scrolling down to the WWN option at the unit, and re-add them to the Nest app.

Please note that the Google branded tstats may not be supported. I only have Nest branded tstats at home.

The information you posted is about your home structure and your sensors, not your tstats.

P. S. Please remove the logs from the Hubitat forum as you're sharing some confidential information about your home location.


I can't edit the post, so I deleted it. Thank you for letting me know about that.

I'm having the same problem. Did "Settings->Reset->WWN" on the device and deleted and reconnected on the app. Then went into Hubitat and ran through the MyNextManager app setup screens again. My thermostats still don't show up but my sensors do. I don't see any mention of the thermostats in the Hubitat logs (set to debug level) nor do I see any error messages.

Anything else I can do to debug or fix this?

The nest integration with my Hubitat has been working great, but since last few weeks, I am starting to get the below error. I get it when my rule tries to switch Nest mode to eco, or cool. Do you have any thoughts?

eco>eco mode was not set, exception doRequest>exception groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException: status code: 401, reason phrase: Unauthorized,error response=401 for [uri:https://czfe18-front01-iad01.transport.home.nest.com/v5/put, headers:[Authorization:Basic null, query:[format:json], charset:UTF-8, Content-Type:application/json, Referer:https://home.nest.com/, User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.100 Safari/537.36], body:{"objects":[{"object_key":"device.02AA01AC261400C2","op":"MERGE","value":{"eco":{"mode":"manual-eco"}}}]}, contentType:application/json]

Note, that if I go to "MyNextManager", it does find my thermostat and allows me to select it from the dropdown, which seems to tell em that authentication should be working fine?

Hi, you'd need to redo the auth tokens extraction. The tokens may become invalid if you change your password, your MFA settings, or you start using a new Google app.

P. S. There is some caching in MyNextManager, so the fact that you see your tstat doesn't mean that your tokens are still valid.


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I'm having this issue as well...Protects show up, but none of the thermostats... can't seem to find any further debugs to enable. @yracine66 any pointers?

Hi, which Nest model (not the latest Google branded) ? Did you get the tstat from a partner (utility) or from ebay?

The following is the only workaround for Nest branded tstats not appearing in MyNextManager:



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I have read through the read me and installation files. Sorry if this was covered and I missed it. I have not migrated to google and still use the Nest app. I am currently interested in migrating only my thermostat and not my cameras/protects. Will I still be able to still use the Nest phone app?

Yes, the Hubitat app does not interfere with the Nest app.


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My thermostat and protects have been running strong, and still under my Nest account, until yesterday. I reset my access token and regained control. So all is right in my automation world. Long story short though, my sister locked herself out of her Nest account and was forced to migrate to a Google account. I can no longer share one of my thermostats with her until I migrate my account to Google.

Since My Next Manager can leverage either Nest or Google accounts, are there any pros or cons to migrating? Previously with my Vera controller and it using WWN, I needed to stay with Nest. But I'm off that platform. Am I better staying with my Nest account and locking her out of control? Or migrating to a Google account and allowing her control?

Hi, it's up to you as my code supports both.

The only difference is that the Google setup is a bit more difficult than the Nest account.

Refer to:


I cannot give you more support on the change as you're the only one to be able to do it from your end.


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If you do migrate… I hope your experience is better than mine. I migrated two weeks ago. I selected the migration option in the Nest app and received an Account error message. Probably from using the same Google account that I had previously linked to Nest in the google home app but it was difficult trying to find an exact reason for it. Only option was to delete all devices in the nest app, logout of my nest account, choose login with google and add the devices back. Everything worked well until day 3 when one of my thermostats displays online in the Nest app but offline in the Google Home app so if affects any linked integrations. That offline Nest thermostat shows offline in all linked integrations. Tried a restart of the thermostat… still shows online in the Nest app and works fine but now both thermostats show offline in google home. Google says reset both which means I have to set up the schedules all over again. I reset them. They work fine in the Nest app and still show as offline in google home. Google says create a new google account and create a new google home location and start the process over again. No thanks!