Denon amp device fail

Started seeing this error in the last few days... device no longer responds and I'm seeing this in logs. The Broken pipe error just keeps repeating ... Rebooting the hub seems to clear the issue...

Any ideas?
dev:4812019-04-24 06:55:32.352 am debugtelnetStatus:send error: Broken pipe (Write failed)

dev:4812019-04-24 06:55:15.919 am debugtelnetStatus:send error: Broken pipe (Write failed)

dev:4812019-04-24 04:10:31.740 am debugtelnetStatus:receive error: Stream is closed

I have the same issue every few days, Did you find a way to resolve this?

If you go into the device when you are seeing this error and select initialize does it begin working again? If so you could create a rule to initialize the device in rule machine. You could then set it to run on a trigger such as daily at x time.

Yep, That fixes it for a little while. I have a rule intializing it twice a day but I'm still having issues. I'm using the built in driver. Not sure what could be causing the problem.

Just a thought as I do not have this device, but wonder if the telnet connection is timing out when inactive. You could test this on a computer by telnetting to the amp and then leaving the connection open without sending any additional commands and periodically check up on it to see if it has disconnected.

With the built in Onkyo Driver I put in a rule to initialize it every 5 minutes to keep it always connected.

Not sure if this helps anyone, but I ended up removing all rules,apps etc..that used the receiver and removed the device and then re added it back in, That was about 3 weeks ago. I haven't had any issues since. (knock on wood)

Thought I would give this thread a bump, as I am having this exact telnet issue with a Pioneer AVR now. I was thrilled to discover that Hubitat had support for some AVR's, and so I added my AVR into Hubitat and all seemed to be ok. It was a great way for me to control my TV bias lighting by determining if the AVR was on or off.

Yesterday I noticed it wasn't working anymore, and the device status was not being updated. The logs showed this same telnet warning/error. Has anyone been able to figure out a good solution for this?

I see that some people suggested creating a rule that initializes the AVR every so often, and that makes sense - but doesn't the AVR need to be powered on 24/7 for that to work? Mine is only on when I am watching tv or listening to music.