

(I know hacker tactics when I run into them. I am not playing this).

Can you give an actual example of what you mean by "presets (for lights) / presets of cloud based ecosystems"? It's not clear what exactly you're looking for.

Is there any way to block trolls or delete their response from threads in this forum?

Believe @hydro311 was asking a fair question (and definitely not trolling), can you clarify exactly what you are looking for? What type of lighting are you looking for assistance on? Hue or ???


Is this "community" just hackers...?

All that I want is to know where the information is posted on the official site. Do not bother replying, otherwise.

People are trying to understand what you are asking about. Official documentation can be found at https://docs2.hubitat.com/; though like the others, Iā€™m not sure if this is what you want.

For instance, when discussing capabilities of lights in a cloud system, do you have an example of what you hope Hubitat can do? Like the others, Iā€™m not sure what you mean by presets.


At the risk of being labelled something worse than a hacker or troll, Iā€™m going to suggest that your approach on here is highly offensive and that if you truly desire assitance you may want to rethink it.


Your posts are being flagged for a violation of Community Guidelines (not by me, but I don't disagree...). The forum software hides these after a threshold. Avoiding the former will avoid the latter.

I understand that you are looking for an answer. Respectfully, however, the question is not clear. Can you explain the outcome you are looking for using other terminology? I don't think anyone here is trying to "troll," and I am certainly not; it seems everyone just needs help understanding your goal. You will likely get many ideas after that.

If you don't like the forum search, you can also use Google (remember that you can type " site:community.hubitat.com", including the quotes, after your search terms to filter your search to a specific website) or likely similar features in your search engine of choice.


Closed per a change in the original post, no longer requesting help.