Delete\Pause or Change an Endpoint Programatically

Hopefully the title says it all. Creation is easy but I don’t see any API to address the above question. I know there are always a few undocumented API calls out there.

Anybody know?

Maybe I’m being extraordinarily dense but if you are creating the endpoint you can control how it or if it responds in a given circumstance.


Endpoints call methods, and those methods can decide what to do, including doing nothing at all.

Yes, that is what I'm doing today, but if there is an API for something that is generally a cleaner solution. Just seeing what my options are.

On the same vein is there a way for the Endpoint code to determine if the client connected via the local or cloud Endpoint? I can scenarios where the two are treated differently in the responses you serve up. I'm thinking pausing the cloud endpoint might be a desirable security measure.


There is no API for this. It's just in the code.

The endpoint code can look at the requestSource, like this:

if(request.requestSource == "local") isLocal = true ...

or for cloud:

if(request.requestSource == "cloud") isCloud = true ...

And from there decide how to handle the request, including possibly ignoring it. In Maker API each method that handles a request begins with a test method call to see if the access is allowed -- based on user settings about access -- before doing anything.

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Perfect, thank you so much.