I suspect that the issue is because the rule will be triggered multiple time. If you want to limit the running time to 30 minutes, you will need to set something up that stops the rule from running if it is already running.
Did you mean to substitute a y for the t in uyility? Could that be part of your problem? I mean if you also have a correctly spelt variable in existence.
Thanks for the reply. I had spotted the typo but was reluctant to correct it as it is a local var and as far as I know I can only change the connector name in the device handler and would need to delete and re-create to change the name fully. To be honest I don't really understand 'connectors' at the moment.
Wouldn't it work if you change the predicate to the fan has to be off? Or at least that is part of the predicate? Plus a cancel like @Sebastien was hinting at....
Thanks for the reply. I am not understanding how rules work if this is the case. I had assumed that once the trigger is triggered it would then complete the actions before triggering again.
The sensor is not that reliable in terms of frequency of update, the sensor in use is a Sonoff which is more reliable than the Aqara but is roughly every 5 minutes but can go longer.
How to you stop the re-triggering, would I need to put a condition of 'fan is off' around the actions?
Thanks. The predicate is currently there to prevent the fan operating between two times set in my dashboard, setting the 'autofan' switch only during the on and off times.
Rules will be triggered every time the trigger condition is met. This can cause a rule to run multiple times and as you have experienced, will cause some issues.
@sburke781’s approach to mitigate this is excellent!
Thanks @Sebastien. I always feel like there is a more concise way of doing these type of rules... but this is always the first solution that comes to mind... You could possibly overload the one rule with a few different triggers and more complicated logic, but I tend to find two rules an easier read personally.
I have made the suggested changes as per attached with the modification that I wanted to add the cancel to the rule that sets UtilityFanAuto switch.
When I try to add the cancel timer command to the end of the rule although I check the box for UtlityFanV2 it does't step on or take any action, I can only cancel to continue. Any ideas.
Do you not see something like this? Doesn't seem to matter what rule I choose, whether it be one's with a cancellable timer or not, they each display the "Done with this action" option.
Screen shots attached. It does register the update, cancels the tick box but doesn't show the Done with this action. I will try another PC later and let you know.
The rest of your suggestions are working fine but I will continue to monitor.
I'm hoping it might be just a different interface between RM4 and 5. Certainly different to what I am used to. I think the logic is sound, so hopefully support can set you on the right path... or someone else here n the meantime.
What options do you get in the "Select rule type to stop"? And were both rules created in RM5?
I have only ever used RM5 which is the only option offered. I am fairly new to HE so went with the latest option, not sure previous version available as default.
I guess that people who are invested in the previous version are reluctant to migrate if there are a lot of rules to rework.
Yes and no, but that was not so much the reason I was asking, was only thinking if there could be any issue with cancelling an RM4 rule from RM5, not likely, but at least worth asking. Probably one for the support gurus I expect.