Decided to try the Tuya Physical Remote

Decide to give this a try:

it instantly shows up in the Tuya/smartlife app, sees all scenes and devices, can be taught IR commands. has a built in rechargeable battery and a dock to charge but alas as of right this second is not supported by the awesome habitat tuya drivers, screenshots attached, will probably return it. ask any questions you may have.

when I added a DIY IR device (Sonos Volume/mute) that device shows up in Alexa which is nice I guess.

I know tuya supports Smartthings which I still have so will see what I can do with that.
EDIT: I guess Smartthings only sees (some) lights from the Tuya side so not useful in this context

can't upload more than 5 photos so here is a google photos album if that's allowed?

Quick Update, it does have 6668 open for the Tuya LAN but Tuya-api returns nothing except the key