De-register prior admin

Bought a used device off of eBay, where he never deregistered the device. Need help resetting it. Thanks! @bobbyD @support_team

To avoid the possibility that you unintentionally purchased a stolen hub on eBay, de-registration needs to be initiated by the seller (i.e previous registered owner).


Didn't want to start a whole new thread.

I have a hub that I am selling. I cancelled my subscription, which expired 3days ago.

However I still cannot de-register as it says I have active subscriptions? Any ideas what to do?

I can't private message @bobbyD just yet as my account hasn't passed verification.

Thanks in advance @support_team

I updated your profile so you can send messages. There is a buffer to account for delays in payment processing after the service expires. You can wait a few more days, or send me your hub id and we can help you out.