Date/Time Hub Variables

As a recent SmartThings refugee, the next thing to do is use the Maker API to push data from the Tasker app on my Android phone to devices in Hubitat.
My problem is that I want to set several time values that are in Hub Variables with Date/Time Connectors to Devices. The Hub Variables are used in Rules Machine.
The Maker API documentation does not show a method to send data to a Date/Time Device. Am I missing something?

It's ultimately just like any other device; you'll need to use the commands on the device from Maker API. In your case with this device, it would be the setDate(), setTime(), or setDateTime() commands. The format you'll need for those is documented here:

Thanks for the help. At the end of the Hub Variables document is a link to the Hub Variables API. This seems very straightforward.

That works too but should be noted is distinct from the question above regarding Maker API or connectors in general.

Since I'm a newby, had no idea there were Hub Variable APIs. I'm going to look for other APIs that might help for other use cases.