Had anyone else had the dashboardsnin the app stop loading? I have not received any updates, but last night and today my dashboard tab doesn't load. The hubitat logo just spins. Tied
logging out and in, uninstalling and reinstalling. Still just spins. Is anyone else having similar issues?
Everything working here. Does it work when you're not connected to wifi?
Well that was weird. Last night it didn't work on Wi-Fi or cloud. Before or after
log out/ in, or un /reinstall. But just now once i turned off Wi-Fi it worked, then worked once i turned it back on. That's just weird.
probably a cache issue
I can have issues more generally (not just Hubitat) when my Internet connection goes does. My phone doesn't work out that, even though I am connected to the Wi-Fi network, it can't connect to the Internet, so it should use the mobile network for data. If I switch off the Wi-Fi the phone then uses mobile data. Maybe your issue is something similar?
It still happening. I havent had any internet outages, everything else runs just fine. It intmitantly not working on cloud. Sometime it works. Some tumes it won't. I with the exception of our bedroom i use the dahboards more fir monitoring than control. I also use Hubitat Dashboard app, so im not completely out. Its just more anoying really.
Was there ever a resolution to this? None of my dashboards are loading, either in the app or browser, wifi or mobile. Everything else is fine, so I can use the devices interface to switch stuff on and off. But dashboards are just blank. They'll still listed but won't load.
Have you tried uninstall reinstall? Now to be a wise guy, but my dashboards are there if I need them. I donβt use the app like that. The other option is just bookmark your dashboards on your mobile browser.
Yes, I've tried that. Only thing that works is getting the URL of one of the new style dashboards and setting that as the custom URL. That won't even work for the old style ones (which I prefer).
Is your router blocking traffic via some parental control or security software? Do you have anything like a Pihole filtering out websites?
I know my routers built-in antivirus software didn't like some devices that produce a lot of traffic, it marked them as spammy devices, and blocked their traffic. No problems after turning that antivirus "feature" off. (no way to whitelist or blacklist in this router, it is all or nothing)
Nope. Finally got this working again by resetting the access token in the dashboard app.