Dashboard Tile Verification "Are You Sure?" Before Executing

Can anyone advise if there is a way to create an "Are you sure?" response before a dashboard tile will execute? Example: I have a Zooz ZEN15 zwave switch on my natural gas water heater and an associated tile on a dashboard. To avoid inadvertently turning off my water heater, if the tile is pressed I would like it to prompt me for a second press before it sends the "off" command to the switch. Anyone?

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I've wished that was a per-tile option, but it isn't-at least not yet.

Locks and garage doors have that prompt.

Look at creating a virtual door look to tie to the dashboard tile, then override the default icon, etc. Then, create a rule(s) that tie the virtual door lock to the physical switch (and, vice-versa).


I created that as you described and it works fine. I created a virtual lock (no codes). Then I had to create two separate Rule Machine rules. One that turns off the water heater when the lock is unlocked, and another that turns the water heater on when the lock is locked. Did I do that correctly?

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That sounds like it should work.

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