Dashboard tile not working

I added a Leviton smart plug-in switch and it pairs great with my hubitat. I have called it Christmas Tree Lights, and I can turn it on/off easily every time when in devices. I created a tile, however it will not activate the switch. An hour glass appears and it stays frozen. I've repaired and rebooted the hub but it doesn't help. Why would that device work great in devices but not on dashboard?

First thing I would look at is the button template in the Dashboard - is it set to “Outlet” or “Switch”? If not, that could be the issue.

Do other buttons on the dashboard work correctly?

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Thanks, Sebastien it is set to switch and all other buttons work correctly. I have 3 more of these switches on my Hubitat and they work correctly. It's a Leviton DZPA1-2BW.

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Well, that is something I haven’t seen before. My guess would be that the device is not working properly, but if it works from the Device screen, then I’m stumped…

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It's a long shot, but can you remove it from the dashboard child app, hit update and done, and then reenter the child app and re-add the device? Low probability that it resolves the issue, but we're sitting at zero right now, so maybe?

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Check from device panel most likely.not working.

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It has always worked from the device panel. We just excluded it and included it several times and now it's working 100% from device list and the dashboard. I also just updated the firmware and rebooted several times and something stuck. It works now.


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