Dashboard Status Feedback Lag/Inconsistency

Please see here:

Could the devs address this?

This would be the quick solution.

The more ideal solution would be adding a faded/grayish yellow color to represent the tactile feedback for both ON and OFF clicks, before the actual status is updated.

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I haven't seen any replies form the devs here.
Could someone confirm or give an update on addressing this issue?

Hi @vadimchp, not sure what is happening with your setup and it could be related to the driver as others have mention. I have have a dimmer switch customized in CSS and I'm not seeing that delay.


I also added the dimmer switch without CSS and both turn on and off at the same rate.

Have you tested with the default dimmer and if so is it acting the same way as your custom one, if the standard dimmer works as your asking I would check the CSS while having the inspect window open to see how quickly the backgrounds are changing if that makes sense .

Actually I do see the issue in your second image. When you click off it instantly turns grey with the hourglass. When you click on the only instant feedback is the hourglass, it does not change yellow until the device responds that it is on. @vadimchp is using some custom icons with a longer ramp rate, and the hourglass does not show, making it much more confusing in their setup.

I also tested it myself here: Dimmer ON/OFF feedback delay - #18 by jtp10181 I got the same result as you did, which is, I was able to reproduce it. I set the ramp rate higher for the test so the issue is very clear in my image.

Right, @william2 change the ramp rate to say 3 sec and you will see the inconsistency.

@vadimchp / @jtp10181 I see what you guys mean now, it took me a bit but I get it.

Update: corrected the snip to include the correct path in case someone stumbles on this post and want to try it.

@vadimchp , I may have an intermediate solution for you. You mentioned that a third color would work. Here is a quick solution to get a 3rd color in the mix if you are interested.

#tile-10:has(.tile-primary.Sending\.\.\.) {
    background-color: red !important;

I noticed while turning on and off the light from the dashboard for about 30 minutes that there is a middle step 'Sending...' when turning it on and off. Although the snip above is rudimentary you could adapt it to give you the feedback you may be looking for.

Hope this helps. By the way, this middle step is not there when using a different method of turning on and off the lights.

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Thank you for the suggestion, but I would really rather not have to mess with custom code, especially if it has to be applied to each tile individually.
This is obviously a hub/software issue. I hope it gets resolved soon.

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