Anyone having issue with the dashboard updating via cloud (remote access)? I have to manually hit the refresh to get things to change (even though it is refreshing every 5 seconds). What could be the issue here? Just started noticing it this last few days. Here is a screenshot. The Garage Mandoor is closed in the history but it is still saying open on the dashboard. Wait for a bit...keep my eye on the little green check mark and i can see that going red every so often for a refresh, but nothing changes, if i click it myself then it changes.
I have this locally as well, with a tablet that I use to display dashboards. I recently tweaked some of the battery options on the tablet and that improved the dropouts, but still occasionally get issues, but much less. Based on this I can only assume it is (for me) the tablet dropping off the network for a period, still not sure of the reason.
I guess out of my rambling, my suggestion would be to look at battery optimisation options, i.e. turn them off. Beyond that, I can't help you any more at this stage...
Thanks Simon, but my issue is different. I am on remote access on my PC at my work, with a hardline connection.
One thing i did note though over the past few days is i don't get kicked off the server like i used to. Basically if i am not at my PC for a period of time the remote access from Hubitat will ask me to log in again, make sense. However, the last few days it hasn't done that. I can have it open and unused for hours....wonder if it is related?
Hmmm, good point. My understanding would be that the red symbol is some kind of loss of connection, but can't be sure of the exact reason... Perhaps the hub is under elevated CPU usage.... Mine certainly can be...
Here is another example, Garage lamp, click it off, the lamp goes off but the icon is an hour glass. Until i hit the green check mark to refresh it will hang like this for some unknown time. Even though the action was performed and the hubitat knows it. just the dashboard not updating
It would make sense that the remote access method may have a (shorter) timeout period.... for the purposes of security.... Still just spit-balling ideas....
Hmmm, both ways to access are doing it. thought the cloud access was ok, but apparently not. The lamp was turned on, and it's in the logs and history, but the dashboard never updated. Maybe one of the Hubitat guru's can look into it @gopher.ny
I guess opening the dashboard fresh may indicate whether the issue is the connectivity between your work PC and the "cloud" or between your HE hub and the cloud. My suspicion would be between the hub and the cloud, and not an easy thing to assess consistently....
EDIT - Sorry, make that between you work PC and the cloud...
Interesting, if I freshly log in remotely everything works and updates. It appears after a certain time has elapsed is when things stop updating. Typically hubitat would ask me to log in again (if I was logged into the hub remotely from my PC at work), but that's not happening anymore.
Then, to me it would appear that it is the connection timing out or dropping from your client machine. I'm not sure whether there would be anything in the source for the dashboard or html that would indicate a timeout setting, probably more appropriate to check with HE support whether there is a setting or if something else may be contributing to the behaviour you are seeing.
Still experiencing this problem, and what I have noticed is it's not just the dashboards. Even in the device screen the status will not change until I hit refresh. Always worked great, not sure when this started happening. What's the issue I wonder? @gopher.ny
New to Hubitat. But refresh o pm dashboard still bit fix apparently. I still have slowness where I update light switch and dashboard won’t change. Or it takes minutes for change.
My dashboards stop updating randomly, on my Samsung wall mounted tablet (fully Kiosk) and also on my iPhone (Safari). This is with everything running locally. Seems like it's very buggy to me. Wish I had a better way to diagnose. The green checkmark stays green, but my tile with the time will be 40 minutes old. It's frustrating.
I’ve consistently had this issue with most of my devices. If I try to control them from a dashboard the status never updates and most of the devices don’t respond to a button press in the dashboard. I have to log into the hub - go to devices - select the device - click the command and then hit refresh to see the status change… would really appreciate some help
I've noticed this situation for a long time, the dashboard doesn't refresh, and it doesn't matter if it's local or remote access, clound or lan, it's as if the refresh instruction that should happen doesn't run in the browser. You have to press F5 and have it load to update the status of the devices on the dashboard. Reading the whole topic, which is old, I see that there is no proposed solution. Any ideas?