Dashboard Not Loading on Samsung Tablet

This is probably not a Hubitat issue, but hoping someone can give me some help.

I have 3 Samsung tablets that I use for display and control. All 3 have Fully Browser on them. They all worked fine on ST with ActionTiles.

I created a dashboard, local, to put on these tablets. It loads fine on one of the units, a 10 in tablet. But the other 2 which are 12 inch tablets only show a blank screen. I have checked the url, settings, etc. All 3 are set up the same.

Any ideas what might be causing this?

I think it's something to do with having an older version of android webview. I had the same problems with 2 if my older Samsung tablets, I didn't delve into in 2 deeply, just bought a cheap replacement online.

Does it work in chrome on them?

It does work in Chrome. Reason I was using Fully is to have wake on motion.

I checked and the tablet that works is V7 android. The other 2 are V4.4.

This is likely your issue. I had an old Dell android tablet running a similar version of the OS. With the new features that Dashboard 2.0 brought, that tablet no longer functions (I believe the version of webview on it is ancient and not compatible). I had to to switch to my old faithful Samsung Tab S2.

Does it support changing the webview implementation? Typically in the android developer options.

Doesn't appear to be any webview settings. Still researching, but I may be out of luck.

Found a way around this, I think. I have fully running on the tablet but minimized. Then have a link on home page from Chrome with the Dashboard which displays just fine. But with Fully in the background it still controls wake on motion. So far it seems to be working.

I did find some instructions to update the Samsung's android version. Just haven't gotten the courage to try it yet.

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